Max Groenewegen

Hi, I’m Max and together with Mila I am one of the commercials of this year’s committee. As a commercial, I am responsible for the acquisition of our event. This means that I am reaching out to a lot of companies and convincing them to participate in our recruitment events. After the acquisition period I will be the contact person for every company, so I keep them up to date about everything they need to know and answer all the questions they might have. 

In the last few months we have been working hard on bringing in all the great companies for our event and we will reveal them to you very soon ;). After finishing up the acquisition period we will start on planning all our activities with the commissioner of events, Liselotte. One of the new events we have added this year is the running lunch. This is an event that is more focused on the bachelor students and gives them the opportunity to see what companies can offer them in an earlier stage of their studies. I am very excited for this event and I think we have gathered some great companies. I hope to see you there!

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