Fenne Veld

Hi! My name is Fenne and I am one of the Commissioners of Academic Relations of the 37th edition of the STAR Management Week! Together with my fellow Academic Bernice, I have been working on organizing the Academic pillar of the STAR Management Week. This includes all trainings and speakers’ events, such as the Opening Ceremony and the Honorary Discussions. We are responsible for inviting the most inspiring people from the top of business and politics, and for taking care of the content and discussion topics to create the most interesting events. 

This year we introduce a new speaker’s event, the Talent Talks. During this event 5 inspiring speakers coming from a wide variety of both business and non-business related sectors share their stories on diverse topics that are close to their hearts.

Besides my Academic position, I also fulfill the role of IT-Data Manager. Together with Joost, I focus on all aspects of our website, and try to make it as easy to use as possible. 

I’m excited to see everything we’ve been working on with the whole committee come to life, and looking forward to seeing you all during the STAR Management Week!

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