Remi Smeets

Director People & Organization - Siemens Nederland N.V.

Create your own journey; discover where your true passion lies.

Remi Smeets (1965) took financial and management courses in both the Netherlands and Germany. He began his career at Siemens Netherlands in 1985 as a commercial administrative employee.

After various financial positions, Remi was appointed Manager Business Intelligence for Siemens Netherlands in 2000 and from that role was head of the staff office of the Board of Directors.

From 2004 to 2013, Remi served as head of finance of respectively responsible for the Mobility, Infrastructure and Energy divisions.

Since 2014, Remi is director People & Organization of Siemens Nederland N.V.

Remi is married and has two children. In his free time he is chairman of the board of soccer club Graaf Willem II VAC (1100 members) in Wassenaar and sits on the supervisory board of VHTO (the expertise center Voor Haar Technische Ontwikkeling).

How did I unlock my potential?

I gained international experience and ensured a diversity of experiences. I also found it important to discover who I am, what I want and what I can. And, of course, you need a little luck in life.







Contact information

Activities with Remi Smeets

Nov 5

Honorary Discussions

  • 11:45 - 18:00
  • Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam

This year the 12th edition of our well-known Honorary Discussions will take place. This event is the perfect opportunity for you to share your perceptions on various topics such as Employee Wellbeing and the Integration of AI, with over 40 Honorary Guests and your fellow students.  During the Honorary Discussions, over 40 inspiring speakers from…