Patrick van den Boom

COO Benelux - Unilever

Embrace the change you are confronted with!

Patrick has been with Unilever for 24 years and is responsible for Unilever’s Operations in Benelux. During his career he has held a variety of local and international roles across Unilever both in Finance as well as in Operations. Patrick holds a masters degree in Economics from Tilburg University and an Executive Master in Finance and Control from Erasmus University. He is married and has three children.

How did I unlock my potential?

Key to unlocking my potential has been to continuously seek for opportunities that were outside of my area of comfort and link those to jobs that continuously drove me to use my skills & competencies in a different way building my legacies as a consequence.







Activities with Patrick van den Boom

Nov 5

Honorary Discussions

  • 11:45 - 18:00
  • Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam

This year the 12th edition of our well-known Honorary Discussions will take place. This event is the perfect opportunity for you to share your perceptions on various topics such as Employee Wellbeing and the Integration of AI, with over 40 Honorary Guests and your fellow students.  During the Honorary Discussions, over 40 inspiring speakers from…