Wiebe Brink

Tax Partner - EY

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it” – Ferris Bueller

Wiebe Brink (56) is a partner within the Tax practice of EY and heads the Real Estate & Construction Sector for the Netherlands. Wiebe studied fiscal economics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam between 1986 and 1992. Now, living in Tiel with his wife Patricia, as a main ‘hobby’ owns a bookstore in the center of Tiel.

How did I unlock my potential?

EY has always given me the opportunity to follow my heart and provide me with enough ‘freedom’ to do want I want think is best to do. At the end, you get the work, clients and experiences that you ‘deserve’, which absolutely came true 30+ years later


Contact information

Activities with Wiebe Brink

Nov 5

Honorary Discussions

  • 11:45 - 18:00
  • Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam

This year the 12th edition of our well-known Honorary Discussions will take place. This event is the perfect opportunity for you to share your perceptions on various topics such as Employee Wellbeing and the Integration of AI, with over 40 Honorary Guests and your fellow students.  During the Honorary Discussions, over 40 inspiring speakers from…