Faiza Oulahsen

Associate Director - KPMG

I come with a mission, and every chance I get, I will use it to bring about change.

Faiza Oulahsen works at KPMG as Associate Director on sustainability, where she helps companies and organizations transition towards a sustainable business model. Before joining KPMG, Faiza was Program Director at Greenpeace where she pushed for climate action – through high profile actions, lobby and media appearances, from UN climate summits to climate court cases. In 2013 Faiza gained public attention after being locked up in Russian detention for a peaceful protest at a drilling platform in the Arctic.



Contact information

Activities with Faiza Oulahsen

Nov 5

Honorary Discussions

  • 11:45 - 18:00
  • Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam

This year the 12th edition of our well-known Honorary Discussions will take place. This event is the perfect opportunity for you to share your perceptions on various topics such as Employee Wellbeing and the Integration of AI, with over 40 Honorary Guests and your fellow students.  During the Honorary Discussions, over 40 inspiring speakers from…