Matthias Browaeys

Founder & CEO - Winwinner

You’re only as strong as your network: the key to building a business

In 2017, Matthias Browaeys founded Winwinner: a crowdlending platform that connects growing SMEs with potential investors. About 400 companies secured more than €55 million funding this way.

How did I unlock my potential?

Winwinner started as my school project, now it’s a fully operational company.


Contact information

Activities with Matthias Browaeys

Nov 5

Honorary Discussions

  • 11:45 - 18:00
  • Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam

This year the 12th edition of our well-known Honorary Discussions will take place. This event is the perfect opportunity for you to share your perceptions on various topics such as Employee Wellbeing and the Integration of AI, with over 40 Honorary Guests and your fellow students.  During the Honorary Discussions, over 40 inspiring speakers from…